The Deanship of Student Affairs deals with all non-academic issues concerning students and helps them from the joining date until graduation.
According to its administrative structure, the Deanship consists of one main Assistant Deanships: Student Excellence & Success, and some of units and departments of the Deanship include: the General Directorate of Student Affairs, the General Directorate of Student Housing, the General Directorate of Student Fund, Student Activities Department, International visits program, voluntary work unit, and Religious Affairs Committee in Student Housing.
To be a leading model in enriching student life and experience.
Deanship of Student Affairs (DSA) is committed to provide stimulating student life, outstanding services, effective counseling, and enriching extra-curricular activities that enable students’ development, and enhance their values and fulfill their ambitions.
- Provide conducive environment that enriches students’ development and their experience.
- Ensure quality of services & activities.
- Guide students towards appropriate career.
- Provide effective counseling and advising services.