
Mar 13, 2024

Site Visit to TAQA

The Female Chemical Engineering Club students have the opportunity to visit TAQA Company, a key player in the petrochemical industry. During the visit, TAQA showcased its expertise in oil exploration, production, refining, and petrochemical manufacturing, and presented some of its major projects.

The students were given an in-depth look at TAQA's working process, focusing on extracting petrochemicals from oil wells and a comprehensive overview of the oil well drilling cycle, from exploration to operational efficiency. The visit also included a tour of TAQA’s laboratories, where students were able to see the essential equipment used. Additionally, the students gained valuable insights into TAQA’s pipe production process, particularly the manufacturing of high-quality pipes for efficient oil extraction and transportation. TAQA also emphasised the importance of chemicals in drilling operations. The visit concluded with an exciting announcement of an upcoming partnership between TAQA and KFUPM, specifically providing Cooperative Training (COOP) opportunities for students.